Monday, August 4, 2008

Your Image and Branding in the Virtual World


Business in Second Life (SL) is much the same as it is in “real life” (RL) first impressions matter!

In RL you have a brief window to make a first impression and in our virtual world you can bet that it is even smaller and your image is key to making the most favorable impression. But while introductions and impressions happen in a split second, creating a lasting, favorable perception requires a continuous concentrated effort across many platforms.

That effort is called branding and it is through branding and image that individuals, communities and organizations express their individuality.

I’d like to first define the words and put them into the context we'll be talking about today.

For our purposes, Image covers the appearance and mannerisms of your avitar, the environment that houses your business, and the furnishings and items associated with them

A brand is a promise or idea and a set of expectations held by an audience about a product, service or company. A brand is not what You say it is ... it is what your audience says it is.



The appearance and mannerisms of your avitar, the environment that houses your business, and the furnishings and items associated with them

Your avitar (or avi) is literally your face in SL. It can be complex or simple, representing all the parts of who you are and who you want to be. (Some choose to express facets of themselves thru a second (or third or fourth... ) avitar, called an alt).

You might choose to have an avitar that looks just like you in RL, or you might choose an ideal you’ve always wanted to be, or you might choose one that is more apt to draw in the type of people you’re trying to reach.

Whatever you do, Present a professional image. Get expert help – what you want may not exist off the shelf, but affordable custom work is rapant in SL. And image makeover professionals can help you devise and implement a new concept.

Since avitars are really just a sum of their parts, it’s important to remember the many aspects that need to be properly addressed.

Avitars consist basically of a shape (think bones and muscles or what’s inside the skin), skin (colorings, photo-realistic body parts, etc.) and other items such as eyes, hair, clothes, shoes, accessories, animation override (AO or AO HUD), and other add-ons that make your avitar unique and memorable.

Here are some simple things that will help you get started ... try sitting down and identifying the following things in a very specific way:

1) What type of product or service do I have?

2) What is my main purpose (business/fun/exploring/etc.)?

3) What type of audience am I expecting to attract?

4) What types of presentations or meetings will I attend?

5) What activities will I be interested in exploring?

6) What are my RL hobbies or ones I would like to take up in SL?

7) Where do you live in RL and how does that impact your persona? OR what city do you WISH you lived in and what does that convey?


As with your avitar, your office, home, skybox, platform, SIM, venue, or any other area you plan to have customers see is important in the same way.

The items themselves, the quality, the presentation, how “appropriate” they are for your audience will all add to your success (or failure) in the virtual world. Do you want your SL office to be a copy of your RL one or do you want to create a magical world that shows what “can” be?

Personal shoppers and inventory management become very helpful for those starting out or those who wish to upgrade or change their environments.

As SL becomes more sophisticated, so do the ‘objects” don’t forget to keep up with the times. ... AND REMEMBER ... the audience in SL makes a decision to stay or go in a split second. That first impression ... your TP in point, what they see, where they face ... all of it can make or break your venture.


A brand is a promise or idea and a set of expectations held by an audience about a product, service or company. A brand is not what You say it is ... it is what your audience says it is.

First, every company creates a brand for itself, good or bad. Your reputation is your brand. Every time you have contact with a customer you leave an impression, you add to your reputation, and you create your own brand. But do you have a branding strategy?

Branding strategy is ultimately about fulfilling promises. It is about trust, quality, service, and reliability. It’s a relationship between your customers and your company. And it’s within your reach, if you can manage your customer contact points.

In a virtual world some of the same practices will apply … others will be different. Some things to consider are:

1) Spend the money to have a designer create a professional logo, business-note card and a space ad for your SL business.

2) Manage your brand. Continually look for opportunities to make improvements. As the virtual world becomes more sophisticated, so does your audience. What attracts them today will not hold their attention tomorrow.

3) Promote Testimonials and find ways to encourage word of mouth viral marketing. Start building credibility for your business from day one.

4) Build Buzz. Be creative. Look for a special promotions and tie-ins with SIMs or other businesses. Do something out of the norm for your business to get people talking about you, your product or service.


Creating a solid, strong physical impression gives you credibility. The fastest way to be “written off” is to communicate your “newbie” status. If you are new to SL there will be multitudes of nuances that escape you, but those with experience in SL can spot the “noobies” or “newbies” in a crowd and will go out of their way to avoid them

Every point of contact that your customer subsequently has with your company is an important part of your branding strategy. Your avitar, office and/or home are vital as well as your plan for getting yourself and your business known and paid attention to and supported and that process is continual. In the virtual world you cannot rest on your laurels!

Lastly I’d like to say a few words about working with professionals in SL. When agreeing to the services of a image and/or branding expert, get all of the details up front and get an agreement in writing. That can be a real world agreement that is received by fax or mail. Or it can be as simple (but not as binding) as a Notecard.

If you experience any disputes, you should use proven dispute resolution providers in the virtual world, such as OliveEue Sholokhov.


Alexi Mizin: In RL I am in marketing and communications, I specialize in branding initiatives for non-profits and grassroots organizations, social issues, advocacy, and political candidates through print, exhibit, event and advertising mediums. My friends and associates call me "reference girl" or "resource girl" in SL I have adopted the same philosophies and love nothing more than a challenge of a look or a concept to fulfill.

My SL business is "image consulting" an umbrella term covering many SL consulting services including: Avitar makeovers, home or office interior, consulting/shopping, Inventory organization and a wide range of personal shopping services; also marketing and design services such as signs, logos, advertisements, and other visual branding solutions; Brainstorming business/marketing ideas

I also own an art gallery in the French Quarter SIM, and have exhibit space upstairs at the Vio Art Co-op as well as on the new art co-op on Roosevelt Island of NYC.

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